
Vento Sul: Pierogi - Vareniki

1 kg de farinha de trigo
10 ovos
10g de sal
Trigo para polvilhar
1kg de chucrute
1kg de batatas cozidas amassadas
Sal, pimenta, mostarda
4 Cebola brunoise
2 barra de manteiga clarificada

Massa: misturar os ingredientes da massa, sovar, reservar por 20 minutos em filme plástico, abrir, cortar rodas de 10 cm.
Recheio: Misturar o chucrute com a batata amassada e temperar.
Molho: dourar a cebola na manteiga
Rechear a massa, cozinhar em água fervente com sal e óleo (10 l de água, 100g de sal e óleo).

2 comentários:

  1. These look so good. I have to try your recipe. I grew up on vareniki and just recently made my first batch! My kids were all over them. I did healthify the original recipe. If you want to check it out, here is a link. http://cuceesprouts.com/2010/09/vareniki/ Looking forward reading more of your recipes :)

  2. I've just loved the pictures of your blog. Congratulations! My wife's parents were from Poznań and my grandparents were from Austria. Happy Rosh Hashana! and Lechaim!
